Welcome to
Little Blossom

Little Blossom is a new purpose-built Nursery, We believe that the Nursery physical environment has a big impact on children’s learning and play.

Little Blossom

Little Blossom  was born with a  mission to support the education of children’s early years.

We truly believe that every child deserves to receive the best start of their journey in life that will drive their future life as adults, and maximize their potential.

Today we plant a seed, nourishing it with love and a rich environment to become a beautiful tree with strong roots, vibrant green leaves, and flowers.

 Like the flowers of our logo, our children’s brains blossom academically, physically, and emotionally. Our ethos embraces their bodies, minds, and their understanding of our planet and the world around us.

What makes us special


We have collaborated with the Childcare Education Institute in the USA for implementing child age appropriate activity that is based on researchers Paige Gardner and Ericsson, and it is also under the supervision of expert children specialists and teachers.

Who We Are

Little Blossom is a fun place to be, to learn, grow, and well…discover just how much fun the world can be! We hold ourselves to the highest standards of quality care for our kids, and strive to create an atmosphere where they can thrive and flourish in a safe environment.

Our Values

Quality: We deliver the highest standards for quality. Fun : We believe play is the best way for children to learn and grow.
Respect – We are promoting a culture of trust and respect to everyone, and teach children to accept those around them.
Creativity: We celebrate the process of learning, making connections, imagination, and problem solving.
Safety : We care and value our children. We are a safe, happy, and caring nursery school.

What They Say

أم على

شكرا من قلبي لأمانتكن و اعتمامكن .
بحثت كثيراولم أجد مكانا أفضل و أحسن و أجمل من مركز الزهرة الصغيرة كل الحب

أم فارس العمري

احسن و أفضل مكان اطمن على ولدي فية الله يسعدكم على مجهودكم اشكركم

ام ورد

رائيعين بمعني الكلمة نظافة المكان. تعامل الموظفات .. جمال وتنسيق البيئة .. الفعاليات و التعليم ..شكرا لكم

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